Healthy Sleep Tips For Children

Healthy Sleep Tips For Children

How much sleep does your child need? Are they sleeping enough? What should parents do to ensure their kids get adequate rest?

Sleep deprivation has become a common problem for both adults and children today. According to the  National Sleep Foundation, 40 million adults have chronic insomnia. Lack of sleep can cause behavioural problems, learning difficulties, and even obesity in children.

Children who don't get enough sleep tend to have higher cortisol levels (a stress hormone) in their blood. Cortisol levels can affect a child's ability to focus, remember things and pay attention.

In addition, they may also experience increased appetite and cravings for junk food. Parents should give their kids at least 8 hours of sleep per night.

This blog post will discuss why  healthy sleep is essential for your child and some simple tips to help your child with healthy sleep.

Why Is Healthy Sleep Important For Your Child?

Healthy sleep is essential for every living thing on earth. It helps our bodies recover from daily activities and prepares us for the next day.

Lack of sleep can lead to severe health conditions such as depression, anxiety, heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity, and other medical issues.

Everyone needs  healthy sleep, but it's especially crucial for children because their brains still develop during early childhood. They are more vulnerable to illnesses and diseases if they don't get enough sleep.

Unsurprisingly, kids often complain about being tired and having trouble falling asleep. Studies show that most  school-age children wake up between 3 and 5 times each night. It means that they spend one-third of their lives awake!

Sleep is important for your child

How Much Sleep Does My Child Need?

The amount of sleep you need depends on how old your child is. The average number of hours of sleep required changes throughout childhood. Children aged 2 years require 10 - 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep, while teenagers need around 9 hours.

Observing his behaviour is the best way to determine  what kind of sleep your child needs. If your kid wakes up multiple times during the night, then chances are he requires less sleep than someone who sleeps through the night without waking up once.

If your child seems tired or isn't interested in playing with friends, he probably needs more sleep. On the other hand, if your child appears energetic and excited after spending time with his friends, he might  get enough rest.

What Should I Do To Make Sure My Child Gets Enough Sleep?

There are several ways to ensure your child gets enough sleep:

Make Sure Your Child Goes To Bed And Gets Up Simultaneously Every Day

It will help him develop  good sleeping habits. He won't feel like he is missing anything when he misses a few days of sleep.

Keep Your Child Away From Screens An Hour Before Bedtime

Screen time includes TV, computers, tablets,  smartphones, etc. These devices emit blue light, making it harder for your child to fall asleep.

Avoid Caffeine And Sugar

Caffeine stimulates activity in the brain and leads to  insomnia. Sugar causes drowsiness and keeps your child awake for more extended periods.

Make Sure Your Child Has Plenty Of Water.

Drinking lots of water helps your body relax and promotes sound sleep.

Avoid Naps During The Day.

Children tend to nap more frequently when they are young. However, resting too late in the afternoon can disrupt their nighttime sleep cycle.

Provide Regular Meals And Snacks.

Eating  small meals regularly throughout the day reduces hunger pangs and encourages your child to eat more. Snacks keep your child energised until dinner time.

Let Your Child Have Some Fun Before Going To Bed.

Playing games, reading books, listening to music, watching movies, etc., can help your child unwind so that he falls asleep faster.

Be Patient And Consistent.

Don't expect overnight results from following these tips. It takes time to train your child to  sleep quickly. But as soon as he learns to self-soothe himself into sleep, you'll see positive results right away.

How To Create A Bedroom Environment For A Child?

How do you know if your child needs more sleep? If your child starts having trouble  falling asleep alone, waking up several times during the night, or staying awake longer than usual on weekends.

Here are the tips for creating calming sleep environment for your child:

A Tidy Bedroom

Bedtime routines should include tidying up the room and clearing away any distractions. Toys and TV should be kept out of the bedroom. Screens shouldn't be used before bedtime. The bed may leave a comforting stuffed toy or blanket. Bedtime routines should include  tidying up the room, clearing away objects that take the attention away from sleeping, and keeping screens and playtime out of the bedroom.

It's okay to leave your child a comfort object such as a teddy bear or security blanket. It would help if you didn't leave a bottle with your child overnight because it could cause tooth decay.

White Noise

The noises in the house often interfere with your child's sleep and wake them often. It is difficult for many homes to achieve complete silence.

If the other family members are awake, they are bound to create noise, disrupting the child's sleep. A white noise machine is an excellent rescue for such houses to produce a calming noise so your child can  sleep properly.

You can choose any low-key sound as the background noise. Ensure that the volume level is safe for your child, which helps them sleep comfortably.

Blackout Curtains

Blackout curtains are inexpensive to help babies and toddlers get better sleep. They block out too much light during the day, but they're helpful when you want to sleep earlier.

Excessive lighting delays the release of the sleep-inducing hormone, Melatonin, making it difficult for the kids to sleep.

Here are some other tips that help you to  regulate the lighting in the kid's room:

  • Use a dimmer switch to control the brightness level.
  • Keep the lights off after 8 pm.
  • Avoid using lamps near your baby's crib.
  • Choose a soft white light instead of bright yellow bulbs.

Comfortable Mattress, Pillows, And Bedding

Children should always be placed in their beds. Soft items should never be left in the crib. Mattresses should be firm enough to support children but not too hard. Follow age-appropriate guidelines when  choosing a mattress.

You should make sure that your child gets enough sleep. Children who earn less than 8 hours of sleep per night are more likely to be hyperactive. Make sure your child goes to bed at a regular time every night. Also, make sure they wake up early in the morning. Your child will feel refreshed if they have a good night's rest.

Lowering The Thermostat For Sleep

Sleeping is essential for children. They  need to be warm enough to fall asleep but cool enough to wake up feeling refreshed.

The ideal room temperature for sleeping is between 60 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit. The air conditioner might run at full blast in the summer, which keeps the room cooler than necessary. To avoid this problem, lower the thermostat setting while your child sleeps.

Soothing Scents

Use lavender or other  essential oils in a diffuser for stubborn sleepers to help relax them. Smokeless around them because it causes sleep disorders. Keep them away from areas where there is secondhand smoke.

Try to make your child's room a tobacco-free zone if you smoke. High exposure to smoke also disrupts sleep in children.

Create a soothing environment that allows your child to relax and fall asleep quickly. Use these tips and tricks to create a calm atmosphere for your child to fall asleep fast!

Sleep Hygiene For Kids

It is a collection of behaviours and habits inducing good sleep in your children. Poor  sleep hygiene worsens sleep patterns and makes your child cranky. 

Drinking lots of water

Here are some of the proven sleep strategies that can help your child with catching up on good sleep:

 Create A Routine

Following a  consistent bedtime routine helps in settling down your child's clock. Your child's mind and body know when to sleep when they follow a specific way.

You can include relaxing activities such as warm baths, reading, and brushing teeth in your child's routine to induce calming sleep. These routines cause comfort and a sense of familiarity to escape the problems of insomnia.

Physical Activities

Physical activity is essential for your child to induce better sleep. Most children need 1-6 hours of exercise daily, which helps them sleep faster. Such activities help in the mental and physical development of your child.

Also, when your child exhausts during the day, it allows them to  sleep better during the night. However, over-exhaustion is a strict no. An over-exhausted child finds it very difficult to sleep.

Also, avoid vigorous physical activity 2 hours before bedtime. The child will find it difficult to sleep correctly in such cases.

Avoid Sleeping With A Pet

The peaceful slumber of your child is hit by the noises and the pet's movements. It is always merrier to  cuddle your pet while sleeping.

But in your child's case, you should strictly avoid this habit. You can make the pet sleep outside the child's room to induce a sense of security in your child. To begin with, you can inculcate a habit of saying goodbye to pets in your bedtime routine.

Avoid The Violent Content

If your child remains scared or feels unsafe, they can never attain a peaceful sleep. Hence, it would help strictly avoid violent and scary movies, especially before bedtime.

Such books are directly linked to scary dreams and should be avoided in the evenings. If your kid insists on reading the spooky books, ask them to be ready during the day.

Sleep Talking and Sleepwalking

Sleep talking is a relatively common problem among children. Proper sleep hygiene may help reduce these episodes. Sleepwalking is often accompanied by other sleep disorders, such as night terrors and  sleep paralysis.

Children who sleepwalk should be awakened half an hour before their usual sleepwalk time. It will prevent them from getting out of bed. Sometimes, parents must get involved and restrain the child until they fall asleep.Sleep Hygiene for kids


Now that you know all about healthy sleep tips for children, let's take a look at a few frequently asked questions.

When To See the Doctor If My Child Continues To Have Sleeping Issues?

If nothing is working for your child and they continue having  sleeping issues, it is essential to check with a doctor. You should seek the immediate help of a qualified doctor if you find severe snoring and unusual breathing. Moreover, frequent awakening at night, bedwetting and shivers while sleeping are also other signs.

What Are The Different Types Of Sleep Disorders In Children?

Sleep disorders are common among children. Some children have trouble falling asleep, while others  wake up frequently throughout the night. There are many different types of sleep disorders, but most are treatable.

How Many Hours Of Sleep Does Your Child Need?

Your child's age determines the number of hours he needs. For example, toddlers usually need 11-13 hours of sleep daily, while teens require 8-9 hours.

Wrap Up!

Children need adequate sleep to develop physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. A  healthy sleep pattern is essential for a child's growth and development. Inadequate sleeping leads to several health issues for your child.

So, if your child still struggles with proper sleep after adopting all the means, it's time to consult your doctor. You may also take a few additional steps to ensure better sleep. Such as creating an ideal sleep environment, a bedtime routine and bringing home  better mattresses.

Soft mattresses are found to provide better sleep with improved comfort and support. They are also good for people with insomnia and anxiety issues. Therefore, if you’re looking to buy a soft mattress for your kid, check out   Crafted Beds. We offer a variety of  all kinds of mattresses that ensure a  night of better and more comfortable sleep. So what are you waiting for? Grab your best one now!

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