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A Comprehensive Guide To Shift Work Sleep Disorder

Shift Work sleep disorder refers to a circadian rhythm sleeping disorder that is characterised by sleep problems that result from working long hours or irregularly...

A Guide To Catathrenia: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment And More
Catathrenia is a parasomnia when the nervous system's activity goes haywire during sleep. The individual will generally take...
Sleep Talking - Causes, Symptoms, Risks, Treatment And More
How often do you sleep talk? If you don't know, you probably haven't heard of sleep-talking. This strange habit...
What are sleep terrors? Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and More
Sleep terrors are terrifying episodes of screaming, panic, and flailing that occur while you're still sleeping. Sleep terrors are also known as night terrors and are associated with sleepwalking.  Sleepwalking and sleep terrors are both parasomnia events— unwelcome happenings during...
A comprehensive guide to Chronic Insomnia
Chronic insomnia is a condition where you wake up tired every day, even after sleeping well at night.  It is because you don't get enough sleep. If you have chronic insomnia, you might also experience other symptoms such as anxiety,...
A Comprehensive Guide to Maintenance Insomnia
A quarter of people wake up at least once a night. A variety of causes can disrupt your sleep, including nightmares, noise, sudden changes in your surroundings or a restless partner or child.  Most individuals can fall back asleep within...
What Is Hypersomnia?
Hypersomnia is a sleep disorder that is characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness...
Healthy Sleep Tips For Children
How much sleep does your child need? Are they sleeping enough? What should parents...
How Much Sleep Do Children Need?

Children are often told they should get eight hours of sleep each night but are that the correct number? Or should my child sleep more or less? Many pieces of research...

How To Sleep Alone?
Sleep habits have been changing continuously for a decade. People in recent years have struggled a lot to know...
5 Interesting Facts About Your Body Clock

Why do you have energy all day and get tired by night? How does your body know this? Have you ever thought about it? Circadian rhythms are...

How To Stop Snoring? 5 Tips To Sleep Softly
Snoring happens when you can't flow air freely through your nose and throat as you breathe in and out during sleep. When the...
10 Sleep Habits From Around The World

Sleep is one of the favourite things to do for most people. Good quality of sleep helps in many ways. Have you ever wondered...

Foods To Avoid If You Have Trouble Sleeping
Sleep, considered an essential aspect of a healthy body, must be peaceful and of the best quality. While innumerable external and internal factors disturb quality sleep, it becomes necessary to examine each element closely and ensure that you receive the...
How Does Your Menstrual Cycle Affect Your Sleep?
Did you know that your menstrual cycle affects your sleep and that your sleep also affects your monthly cycle? Every month, women go through hormonal changes. Sleeping cycles (Also refer to best sleeping apps) are commonly disrupted as a result...
Polyphasic Sleep - Pros And Cons
Before we know about polyphasic sleep, we should know how sleep is essential for a healthy lifestyle. Sleep patterns worldwide are different, and thus...
Adjusting Sleep Schedules For Better Sleep

Sleep is considered the essential factor in maintaining overall health in humans. Sound sleep is vital to regulate all bodily processes without disturbing other bodily functions...

Impact Of Sleep On The Immune System
A healthy sleep pattern is essential for a healthy life. Adequate sleep helps the immune system in the body and boosts T-cells to fight...