UK Bed Sizes - Bed Dimensions & Measurements Guide

UK Bed Sizes - Bed Dimensions & Measurements Guide

We all need a good night's sleep, but not everyone needs the same size bed. What are the dimensions and measurements for different UK bed sizes? And how do you decide which size is right for you? This Guide will take you through the different dimensions and measurements of each bed type and give tips on choosing the right one for your bedroom, whether you're looking for a small single bed or a super king.

So Let's Get Started! 

Measurements and Dimensions of UK Beds

  1. Single bed (90cm x 190cm - 3ft x 6ft3)- the smallest size, often used in children's bedrooms
  2. Small Double bed (120cm x 190cm- 4ft x 6ft3)- a little larger than a small single bed, typically for two people
  3. Double bed (135cm x 190cm- 4ft6 x 6ft3)- larger than a small double bed, often used in master bedrooms
  4. King size bed (150cm x 200cm 5ft x 6ft6) - the standard double bed size, great for couples who want more space
  5. Super king size bed (180cm x 200cm 6ft x 6ft6) - even larger than a king, great for luxury bedrooms

Single Bed

A single bed, also called a twin bed, is the smallest standard bed size. The dimensions of single beds are 3 feet wide and 6 feet 3 inches long.

This is great for small bedrooms or great bunk beds for kids who have outgrown a toddler.

You can find the perfect single bed frame and mattress at Craftedbeds.

Small Double Bed

Small double beds are slightly larger than small bed, measuring 4 feet wide and 6 feet 3 inches long. This size is typically used for two adults and is best for average-sized bedrooms.

Small double beds can be used as guest beds in spare rooms since it takes up very little space and is easily adjusted in small rooms.

You can find a perfect bed and mattress size that is perfect for you by looking at all of the different options that are available on

Double Bed

The double bed is the standard double bed size for couples. It offers plenty of space to sleep comfortably while leaving room in the bedroom for other furniture or activities.

Double beds measure 4 feet 6 inches wide and 6 feet 3 inches long, making them a great option for normal bedrooms.

Craftedbeds have many different bed frames available for standard double beds. You can find the perfect one that fits your style and needs.

King Size Bed

A 2014 report from the World Health Organisation said that 28.1% of adults in the UK were classified as obese, in which case the 'two in a 4 ft 6ins scenario' could be putting a severe strain on your relationship. (

So, these king-size beds are perfect for couples with plenty of room to sleep comfortably. The standard king-size bed dimensions are 5 feet wide and 6 feet 6 inches long.

It can also be a good choice for a taller person or those who need extra space to move around in bed.

Many different bed frames and perfect mattress options are available for a king bed. You can find the perfect one that fits your style and needs on Craftedbeds.

Super King-Size Bed

The super king bed is larger than a king bed, measuring 6 feet wide and 6 feet 6 inches long. This size is perfect for luxury bedrooms or couples who want the ultimate space and comfort.

Research shows 33% of double divan and bedstead sales are now 5ft (king-size) or larger. (

Many different bed frames are available for super king beds. You can find the perfect one that fits your style and needs on

How to Choose the Right Size Bed and Mattress for a Bedroom?

Determining what bed size and mattress to buy for your bedroom can be confusing and daunting.

There are so many different options on the market, and it's hard to know which one will best fit your space. So, how do you choose the right bed size for your bedroom?

Measure the Space of Your Room

The first step is to measure your bedroom. You'll need to know the dimensions of your room to figure out what bed size will fit best (either single bed or double bed). Once you have your measurements, you can start looking at different bed sizes and deciding which one will best fit your space.

Double-Check the Dimensions of the Bed

Once you've found a bed that you think will be the right size for your room, it's important to double-check the dimensions. Make sure you're looking at the right measurements (inches or centimetres) and comparing them correctly to the measurements of your room.

Check the Height of the Headboard

If you're opting for a headboard, it's important to ensure it's manageable for your space. You don't want the headboard so tall that it takes up too much of the wall or makes your room feel cramped.

Check the Location of the Sockets

Another important thing to consider is the location of your outlets. If you're planning on putting your bed up against a wall, make sure that there are outlets nearby so you can easily plug in things like lamps and chargers.

Consider Your Needs

When choosing a bed size, it's important to consider your needs. If you are taller or obese, you might opt for a super king bed to have more space.

If you're looking bed for a smaller bedroom that's easy to move around, a small double bed might be the better option.

Check the Access to Your Bedroom

Getting a bigger bed into your room might be difficult if you have a small space or tight corners. Make sure you measure the floor space, doorways, and hallways to your bedroom to ensure that your new bed will fit through them.


What are the dimensions of a king-size bed?

The king bed dimensions are 76 inches (6 feet, 4 inches) in width by 80 inches (6 feet, 8 inches) in length. This means that the two sizes are identical in length at 80 inches. The king-size mattress is wider than the queen-size, making it a great option for couples wanting more sleep space.

Is King bigger than Queen size bed?

Yes, The queen mattress dimensions are 60 inches wide by 80 inches long. The king mattress dimensions are 76 inches wide by 80 inches long. So, a king is 16 inches wider than a queen.

How much space do you need for a king-size bed?

The minimum room size to comfortably fit a Standard King-sized bed is 12 feet by 9.10 feet. This will leave at least 30 inches of space around the bed for free movement. However, this is only a suggestion and not a requirement. You can choose to have a Standard King bed in a smaller room if you wish.

Can a king bed fit in a 12x12 room?

A king bed can fit in a 12x12 room, but it will be tight. The bed will take up most of the space in the room, and there will be little room to move around. If you want a bed in a 12x12 room, look into a smaller size bed.

Can a king-size bed fit in a 10x10 room?

No, A king-size bed, which is 80 inches wide by 84 inches long or 6.67 feet by 7 feet, will not fit into this space. A full-size bed is 15 inches wider than a small bed and will fit into a 10- by 10-foot room.

Can a king bed fit in an 11x11 room?

No, a king bed will not fit in an 11x11 room. The dimensions of king-size beds are 76" x 80". An 11x11 room is only 121 square feet, which is too small to fit a king bed and other furniture comfortably.

Will a king-size bed fit in a 13x13 room?

Yes, 13 x 13 feet is best for king-size beds with other furniture. Not only will it fit, but you will also have plenty of room to move around and add additional furniture if desired.

Can a king bed fit in a 11x14 room?

Yes, a king bed can fit in a 11x14 room. However, A rectangular room that is 21 feet long and 14 feet wide will be a good size for a bedroom with a king-size bed and a sitting area.

Can a queen bed fit in a 8x10 room?

Yes, To comfortably fit a queen-size mattress and bed frame, a room must be at least 10 square feet in size. This will also give you enough space to walk around the bed or place other furniture in the room.

What is the largest bed size?

The Alaskan King bed is the biggest. It is 108x108 inches. That means it is a lot bigger than a regular bed. The Family XL bed is 144 inches wide but only 84 inches long. That means it is best for people who are taller than average.

The Final Thoughts

So, whether you're looking for a single bed to accommodate a small bedroom or want something larger, like a king-size bed for more spacious sleeping quarters, we hope this guide has been helpful.

Our guide has also covered the most popular bed sizes in the UK and discussed some important factors to consider when choosing the right bed size for your bedroom.

If you still have questions about the beds' dimensions or need advice on choosing the right bed and mattress for your bedroom, don't hesitate to contact our team.

We're always happy to help you in any way we can!

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